Joining us! Our Preschool to Pensions After School Program meets every Monday to provide a variety of activities, workshops, and resources for individuals of all ages. We look forward to having you join us and become a part of our community of lifelong learners. See you on Monday!

Preschool to Pensions After School Program

Our Preschool to Pensions After School Program is designed to provide a comprehensive and holistic approach to education and lifelong learning for children of all ages. From preschool age to retirement age, we offer a range of activities, workshops, and resources to support individuals in every stage of their life journey.

Our preschool program focuses on early childhood development, promoting social, emotional, and cognitive skills through play-based learning activities. As children progress through elementary, middle, and high school, our after-school program offers homework help, tutoring, and enrichment activities to support their academic growth and personal development.

For adults, we provide workshops on financial literacy, career development, health and wellness, and other topics relevant to retirement planning and successful aging. Our goal is to empower individuals to make informed decisions about their future and to provide the tools and resources they need to thrive at every stage of life.

Whether you’re a preschooler just starting out on your educational journey or a retiree looking to make the most of your golden years, our Preschool to Pensions After School Program has something for everyone. Join us and start building a solid foundation for a lifetime of learning and growth.

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